Valley of Fire State Park, A Tapestry of Fiery Red Rock and Ancient Art

Valley of Fire State Park, 29450 Valley of Fire Road, Overton, Nevada 89040
Three sides are towering red rock formations


This piece of land is located 90 kilometers northeast of Las Vegas and covers an area of 36,800 hectares, serving as an outdoor archaeological museum. The valley is filled with countless red and white striped rocks that are breathtaking, presenting a fiery red when viewed from a distance. It is said that this was a sacred site guarded by Native Americans for a long time. As a result, countless murals were left on the red sandstone, showcasing the Native Americans' way of life and the changes in nature. Archaeologists have discovered that some of these mural paintings have existed for over 8,000 years.
Valley of Fire State Park, 29450 Valley of Fire Road, Overton, Nevada 89040
Self-driving or group tour.