Gloucester Cathedral, A Majestic Gothic Marvel with Enchanting Corridors

12 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LX, United Kingdom
This church is really worth visiting


Gloucester Cathedral is a magnificent example of Gothic architecture in England. After the murder of King Edward II in 1327, the Cathedral became his burial site and a center for pilgrimage. Thanks to the support of believers and building renovations, it has become the grand structure it is today. Visitors can enjoy the cloisters, choir seats, Great East Window, Chapter House, Whispering Gallery, Edward II's tomb, Lady Chapel, Great Cloister, and a tower that reaches 69 meters. The Whispering Gallery provides views of Gloucester City through its windows and is also a filming location for the Harry Potter movie series. There are also many beautiful stained glass windows nearby that are sure to impress. Concerts are held here, allowing visitors to better appreciate the cathedral's sacred and solemn atmosphere. Travelers interested in architectural art and cultural history should not miss it.
12 College Green, Gloucester, GL1 2LX, United Kingdom
Opening hours
Walk 10 minutes northwest from Gloucester train station.