Ben Nevis, Summit shrouded in beauty and challenge

Glen Nevis Visitor Centre, Glen Nevis, Fort William, PH33 6PF
As the highest mountain in Britain


"Nevis" in English means "cloud-covered mountain". This mountain is covered in snow all year round and is surrounded by clouds and mist, with a unique shape. The main peak of Nevis reaches 1343 meters and is the highest mountain in England. The south slope is relatively flat, while the northeast slope is steep. The snow on the summit never melts and covers an area of ​​about 40 hectares, with a meteorological research station set up there. The key scene of the "Triwizard Tournament" in the movie "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" was filmed here. If you want to hike or climb, Nevis is an excellent choice. It is worth noting that the mountains in the Highlands are different from those in other countries, and there may not be complete markers or any places selling food and water. You need to bring your own snacks and navigation tools to ensure safety. At the visitor center, you can get detailed maps and recommended routes.

Must-go rating



There is a parking lot
Glen Nevis Visitor Centre, Glen Nevis, Fort William, PH33 6PF
Opening hours
Summer: 9:00-17:00, Winter: 9:00-15:00.
Bus: Take bus 41 or 42 from Williamsburg, and you can arrive in half an hour.