Belfast Botanic Garden, A Victorian Greenhouse Oasis of Tranquility

College Park, Botanic Avenue, BT7 1LP
The botanical garden is more like a small park


Belfast Botanic Gardens is a famous landmark built during the Victorian era. Today, it has become a favorite leisure destination for locals, students, and tourists. The garden showcases the technological innovations and historical culture of planting tropical plants in Victorian-era greenhouses. This botanical garden is also an important part of Belfast's Victorian heritage, and its most prominent cast iron greenhouse is one of the earliest in the world, housing various palm plants and becoming a favorite of tourists. In this peaceful and beautiful park, you can easily relax and take beautiful photos.
College Park, Botanic Avenue, BT7 1LP
Opening hours
April to September: 10:00am-5:00pm October to March: 10:00am-4:00pm
Next to the Queen's University Belfast library.