University of Birmingham, A Campus Brimming with Historic Charm and Academic Vibes

Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands B15 2TT United Kingdom


Located in Birmingham, England, the University of Birmingham is one of the prestigious "red brick" universities with a long history and a member of the Russell Group. The campus is surrounded by a fresh and pleasant environment with a lake and lush green trees. Many surreal bronze sculptures can be found on the lawns. The buildings on campus are well-spaced and influenced by the architecture of ancient times. The most characteristic building is the Great Hall, built with Gothic red bricks, which is the iconic building of the University of Birmingham. There are also statues of outstanding scholars throughout history, such as Newton, Aristotle, and Plato, hanging above the entrance of the Great Hall. The Great Hall is luxurious and spacious, capable of accommodating thousands of viewers. It is mainly used for degree-awarding ceremonies and various concerts. In addition, the museum of the University of Birmingham is also one of the highlights. It houses famous paintings by artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Monet, and Cézanne, which is worth visiting to appreciate.

Must-go rating

Must go


Edgbaston, Birmingham, West Midlands B15 2TT United Kingdom
Train: Take the London Midland train to Redditch / Long Bridge direction from Birmingham New Street Station in the city center to University station. Round-trip ticket is 1.4 pounds (2014). Bus: Take the 61/63 bus at the Boots entrance of Bullring and get off at University or Selly Oak station. One-way ticket is 2 pounds (2014).