Magdalen College, A tranquil haven of historic beauty and charm
Magdalen College, Oxford, OX1 4AU, UK
One of the wealthiest colleges in Oxford
Magdalen College, Oxford, OX1 4AU, UK
Opening hours
2017 opening times:
January to late June: 1pm to dusk or 6pm, whichever is the earlier.
Late June to late September: 10am to 7pm (26 June to 28 September).
October to December: 1pm to dusk or 6pm, whichever is the earlier.
January to late June: 1pm to dusk or 6pm, whichever is the earlier.
Late June to late September: 10am to 7pm (26 June to 28 September).
October to December: 1pm to dusk or 6pm, whichever is the earlier.
Phone +44 (0)1865 276000