Carfax Tower, A Historic Beacon Amidst Oxford's Bustle

Queen St, Oxford, OX1 1ET, United Kingdom
The only place where I took pictures in Oxford


Carfax is a key landmark in the center of Oxford, located at the intersection of St Aldate's, Cornmarket Street, Queen Street, and High Street. Its name means "crossroads," and it is surrounded by historic buildings and shops. There is a large clock on the wall to the east that chimes every 15 minutes, letting people know the time. If you are willing to climb 99 steps, you can enjoy the magnificent view from the top observation deck of Carfax, where you can overlook the beautiful scenery of Oxford.
Queen St, Oxford, OX1 1ET, United Kingdom
Opening hours
April to October: 10:00-17:30 November to February: 10:00-15:00 March: 10:00-16:00
Walk southwest for 10 minutes from Oxford Train Station.