Basilica di Santo Stefano, [object Object]

Via Santo Stefano, 24 40125 Bologna BO Italy


The Aesis Church, built in the 5th century, was built upon the temple of the mother goddess Aesis in Greek mythology. There are currently 7 churches coexisting, which forms a magnificent religious complex combining the styles of the Roman era and exquisite sculpture art. Locals call it "Sette Chiese," which means seven churches. Each church has its own unique architectural style, such as rich arcades and courtyards, which are very interesting.
Via Santo Stefano, 24 40125 Bologna BO Italy
Opening hours
Starting from the Twin Towers, head south and on the east side of Castiglione road is another road going south called Santo Stefano road. Go straight until you reach Piazza Santo Stefano.