Torre del Mangia, Breathtaking views from medieval Italy's pinnacle

Piazza del Campo, 1 53100 Siena SI Italy
There are narrow stairs inside the building


The Mangia Tower is located near the Siena City Hall in Italy and is one of the tallest medieval towers. In the mid-14th century, the outbreak of the Black Death led to the loss of almost two-thirds of the city's population, greatly affecting its development. After the disaster, survivors added a marble loggia to the tower in honor of the Virgin Mary. There are a total of 332 narrow steps inside the tower, and climbing to the top provides a panoramic view of Siena.
Piazza del Campo, 1 53100 Siena SI Italy
Opening hours
Tower (without reservation): From Oct 16 to Feb 28 (winter), 10:00-16:00
from Mar 1 to Oct 15 (summer), 10:00-19:00
closed on Christmas Day and open from 12:00 to 16:00 on New Year's Day.
Next to the city hall.