Chiesa e Scavi di San Lorenzo Maggiore, Discover the Subterranean Wonders Beneath a Historic Church

Via dei Tribunali 316


The Church of San Lorenzo Maggiore is located in the historic center of Naples, Italy, and is one of the important landmarks of the area. Situated on the Piazza Gaetano, it was constructed on the site of ancient Roman ruins, including an archaeological site of a Roman market. The church was built in the late 13th century on the foundations of an early Christian rectangular church from the 6th century. Boccaccio is said to have seen the lady he praised in his work, "Fiammetta," here. The site has also revealed remains of ancient public buildings, including a Roman food market from the 4th century BC. The Church of San Lorenzo Maggiore and its underground ruins provide a valuable opportunity to explore the history and culture of Naples' old city center.
Via dei Tribunali 316
CS line, Via Duomo station.