Puente de Piedra, Majestic Bridge with Iconic Bronze Lions

Zaragoza, Spain
There is a mighty lion statue at the bridgehead


On the Ebro River in Zaragoza, there is a stone bridge that has endured since the Meiji period. Starting in the 12th century, residents of Zaragoza intended to build a stone bridge over the river. It wasn't until the first half of the 15th century, when Gil de Menestral oversaw the project, that the bridge was completed after 40 years of construction. However, in 1643, a flood caused two arches in the middle of the bridge to be destroyed. In 1659, architect Felipe de Busignac took over the reconstruction, reinforcing the piers and rebuilding two towers. Four majestic bronze lions stand at either end of the stone bridge, becoming the symbol of the structure, hence its name "Lion Bridge."
Zaragoza, Spain
Just behind the Plaza Mayor on the River Ebro.