Medina Azahara, A Majestic Ruin of Prosperous Era

Ctra Palma del Río, km 5.5, 14005 Córdoba (translated as "Ctra Palma del Río, km 5.5, 14005 Córdoba")


The Al-Sahra Palace in Medina was a palace built by the Arab caliph Abdul Rahman in 936. The palace was named after his beloved wife, Al-Sahra, and is a typical example of the art of the Caliphate period. It was originally intended to be the new capital of the kingdom, but it was destroyed by the Berbers after only a century. The rectangular Al-Sahra Palace was built into the mountain and has clearly defined levels. The palace is divided into three parts, with the highest part being the main body of the palace, the middle part consisting of nurseries and gardens, and the lowest part including the largest mosque and living quarters. In addition, the palace also contains a variety of style pillars and paintings. The halls have been restored and maintain their former glory. Abdul Rahman III was a great cultural promoter and an outstanding politician. During his reign, Spain became one of the most prosperous countries in the Western world, second only to Baghdad and Constantinople.

Must-go rating

Must go


Ctra Palma del Río, km 5.5, 14005 Córdoba (translated as "Ctra Palma del Río, km 5.5, 14005 Córdoba")
Opening hours
Tuesday to Saturday 9:00-18:00
Sunday and holidays 9:00-15:00
closed on Monday (as of January 2019, the Palace of Abdul Rahman III is temporarily closed for renovation).
Buy round-trip tickets for the Bus Medina Azahara online ( or at tourist information centers, then board at the Paseo de la Victoria stop for a ride of approximately 20 minutes. Daily schedules and seating are limited, so it's best to purchase tickets in advance during peak season.