Patio del Cuarto Dorado, A Majestic Fusion of Art and Engineering

Alhambra Nazaríes Palace
There are fine wooden carvings on the ceiling of the Golden Hall atrium


The Patio del Cuarto Dorado, or Golden Hall Courtyard, is a beautiful part of the Nasrid Palace located in the Alhambra. Upon entering the palace entrance, visitors are greeted by the ornate Sala del Mexuar before proceeding to the adjacent Golden Hall Courtyard. This courtyard is built by large columns and serves as a meeting hall, while the Cuarto Dorado or Golden Room is built along a horseshoe-shaped archway. The ceiling features exquisite wooden carvings and decorations made of ivory and pearls. The walls are adorned with intricate symbolic script and decorations, making for a stunning and grand display. Over 8,000 wooden carvings are embedded in the roof, creating an unparalleled and majestic atmosphere.
Alhambra Nazaríes Palace
Inside the Nasrid Palace.