Fireflies Cave Gold Coast, A Bioluminescent Spectacle of Nature

Springbrook National Park
The cave is full of blue fireflies


Chunxi National Park is located in the residual part of the Tevide Shield Volcano, and its natural bridge is part of the park. In the dense rainforest of the park, ancient tree holes tower into the sky, and giant eucalyptus trees, tree ferns, strangler figs and other plants grow along the way. As you follow the trail, you will discover a natural stone arch and waterfall passing through the arch, creating a cave where a group of blue fireflies live. Due to the dark environment of Chunxi National Park, it is very suitable for stargazing. On clear nights, the Southern Cross hangs high above your head. On rainy days, there is even more opportunity to appreciate the glowing fluorescent mushrooms in the rainforest. Millions of fireflies live in the cool, dark natural bridge cave.
Springbrook National Park