Ljubljana Castle, Panoramic views from a historic summit

Grajska Planota 1, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Looking down upon the night view of the city from the castle standing


Ljubljana Castle is located at the top of Castle Hill in the Slovenian capital. Initially, it was only a wooden fortress built in the early Middle Ages. Archaeologists have discovered two lead coins dating the castle's history back to 1164-1185. Over the centuries, the military strategic significance of Castle Hill meant that it was always used as a military fortress. It wasn't until 1335 that the castle was controlled by the House of Habsburg. In the 15th century, due to the invasion of the Turkish army, the defensive function of the castle became particularly important, so the castle was reinforced. The Chapel of St. George was built in 1489, while other buildings in the castle were built in the 16th and 17th centuries. In the mid-17th century, the castle was used as an arsenal, and from the 19th century until the end of World War II, it was used as a prison. During World War II, it was used to imprison Italian and German prisoners of war.

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Grajska Planota 1, Ljubljana, Slovenia