A wonderful journey through the museums of Zagreb

Zagreb has a long history and has been the center of science and culture for centuries. It is not short of interesting and artistic exhibition halls. This list will help you discover the must-visit exhibition halls in Zagreb.

The Museum of Broken Relationships is located in Zagreb, Croatia. The museum showcases mementos and gifts exchanged between lovers from around the world, including books, baseball caps, teddy bears, and more. Each item is accompanied by a story about its significance to the former couple. In addition to items from romantic relationships, the museum also displays objects gifted from deceased parents to their children. The museum has a serene environment and features a café, making it a great place for relaxation.

Mima Museum

The Mima Museum is located in a building of new Renaissance style. The exhibits include portraits, glassware, sculptures, oriental artworks, and works by famous painters such as Rembrandt, Vermeer, Raphael, and Degas.
Strossmayer Art Gallery, located in Zagreb, houses a collection of works by many outstanding painters from the 14th to the 17th centuries in Europe. The gallery is named after a Croatian bishop from the 19th century, which contributes to its undeniable religious art charm.

Clumsy Art Museum

This art museum is considered a symbol of the city's art and culture. The immense scale and open space of the building also proclaim its supreme status. The presentation of public space is almost wild, with elevated platforms hovering above the parking space and the entrance to the building. The architecture alone is worth a visit.