Stortorget and City Hall, A timeless square with a blend of history and culture

Kompanigatan 5, 211 35 Malmo, Sweden
The famous buildings around the square include the city hall


In the big square of Malmo, there is the oldest building in the city's history. Over 470 years ago, Mayor Koch ordered the construction of this square. At the same time, his former residence is also located nearby, a typical Hanseatic-style brown-red building. On the east side of the square is the City Hall (Rådhuset) built in 1546, with a Dutch Renaissance architectural style. In the middle of the square stands the equestrian statue of King Karl X, whose army successfully conquered Denmark, making Malmo completely a Swedish city. Around the square, there are also many old buildings, including the white villa, which serves as the highest administrative officer's residence in Skåne and is also an excellent tourist destination.
Kompanigatan 5, 211 35 Malmo, Sweden
Opening hours
All day.