Steinsdalsfossen, Walk Behind the Cascading Veil, Unscathed

14, Rosselandsvegen, Norheimsund, Kvam municipality, Hordaland county, 5600, Norway
The scenery is magnificent and enchanting


Located in Norway's Nordfjord, the Steindalsfossen waterfall is one of Norway's most famous waterfalls, particularly spectacular in May and June. If you are driving along the beautiful Hålsåne Bay, don't miss this spot. What makes this waterfall unique is that visitors can walk through it from behind, without getting wet. When you cross the stone bridge over the Fosselva river, the waterfall is on your left. Although it is only 46 meters high, it is not one of Norway's tallest waterfalls, but the water comes from the Myklavatnet lake, which is located at an altitude of 816 meters. The lake water flows down the Fosselva river along with melted snow, resulting in a stunning water volume in May and June each year. If you want to walk through the waterfall, there will be a small cave formed by protruding rocks. You can enjoy the beauty of the falling water without getting wet. If the waterfall is illuminated at night, the scenery is even more breathtaking.
14, Rosselandsvegen, Norheimsund, Kvam municipality, Hordaland county, 5600, Norway
Opening hours
All day.