Skjeggedal visitor center (devil's tongue entrance), Breathtaking views worth every step

Skjeggedal 5770 Tyssedal


The starting point of the hiking route to Trolltunga is Skjeggedal, which is 7 kilometers away from the main road 13. Visitors can get more information at the visitor center at the entrance. The first section of the hike is a standard mountain road, but visitors can also choose to take the abandoned cable car, Mågelibanen, which is over 100 years old, to save time. However, visitors should pay attention to safety because the cable car ascends 430 meters and the handrails are made of steel wire. It is recommended to wear thick gloves for safety and comfort. After taking the cable car, there are many different hiking trails, so visitors should pay attention to the signs. Along the way, there are a few rivers, snow and glaciers, which require wading. As the weather in the mountains is changeable and there are often showers, the temperature can drop sharply, so visitors should always pay attention to their clothing and gear. The last section of the hike has some ups and downs, but is generally flat. The Trolltunga hiking route requires some physical effort, with a total ascent of about 900 meters and a round trip of about 22 kilometers. In addition, there is little phone signal along the way, and the round trip to Skjeggedal can take anywhere from 8 to 12 hours, depending on experience, physical strength and weather conditions. Therefore, visitors should remember to bring sufficient food and water. It is recommended that participants be over 15 years old and in good physical condition, and it is best to go with a team and have some hiking experience and safety awareness.
Skjeggedal 5770 Tyssedal
Opening hours
It is recommended to go from mid-June to mid-September.
Driving: Starting from the center of Odda, drive along Highway 13 to Tyssedal, and then take the mountain road for about 7 kilometers to the entrance of Skjeggedal. The whole journey is about 13 kilometers and takes about 20 minutes. Taxi: The fare for a full-seat taxi is about 150 kronor per person for a one-way trip. Bus: Take the 995 bus from Odda, which takes about half an hour. The bus runs infrequently with a ticket price of about 31 kronor.