Stegastein Viewpoint, Breathtaking Fjord Panorama from Above

Stegastein Sightseeing P.O. Box 50 5742 Aurland
The scenery at the observation deck is very beautiful


Stegastein Viewpoint, designed by architects Saunders and Wilhelmsen, is located above the small town of Aurland in Norway. Its modern design is situated on Aurlandsvegen and hangs 650 meters above a steep cliff, 30 meters from the road. Standing here, visitors can enjoy splendid views of the Aurlandfjord, making it a prime viewing spot on the National Tourist Route.
Stegastein Sightseeing P.O. Box 50 5742 Aurland
Opening hours
The road section from Aurlandsvangen to Stegastein viewpoint is open all year round.
Drive along Route 243 from Aurlandsvangen for about 10 minutes; or take a sightseeing bus; or take a sightseeing bus from Flåm or Aurlandsvangen.