Flåmsbanamuseet, Journey through the history of Europe's steepest railway

Stasjonsvegen 8, 5742 Aurland, Norway
A very interesting museum


At the Flåm Railway Museum, you can not only see a detailed introduction to the construction process of Europe's steepest railway line, but also learn about the various technical challenges encountered and the people behind it. The museum displays real El 9 locomotives, ancient power switch engines, and many trolleys used in track surveys. In addition, there are various exhibitions with pictures, texts, objects, and audio-visuals to give you a more comprehensive understanding of the history and culture of the Flåm Railway. Moreover, through video displays, you can have an in-depth understanding of the Flåm railway journey. The shop at the museum exit has various souvenirs and products with the Flåm Railway brand, allowing you to take home wonderful memories. Welcome to visit!
Stasjonsvegen 8, 5742 Aurland, Norway
Opening hours
April 1 - April 30, 08:00-17:00
May 1 - August 31, 07:00-19:00
September 1 - September 30, 08:00-9:00