Château Royal d'Amboise, Where the genius of Da Vinci eternally rests

Opening hours
From January 2 to 31, the hours are 9:00-12:30 and 14:00-16:45. From February 1 to 28, the hours are 9:00-12:30 and 13:30-17:00. From March 1 to March 31, the hours are 9:00-17:30. From April 1 to June 30, the hours are 9:00-18:30. From July 1 to August 31, the hours are 9:00-19:00. From September 1 to November 1, the hours are 9:00-18:00. From November 2 to November 15, the hours are 9:00-17:30. From November 16 to December 31, the hours are 9:00-12:30 and 14:00-16:45. The ticket office closes half an hour before closing time. It is closed on December 25 and January 1.
Get off the train station and walk along Rue Jules Ferry until you reach the river. Then, cross the Pont du Marechal Leclerc bridge where you can see the white castle with its high black spire. Upon arriving at the other side of the river, you will find the quaint old town of Angouleme with clear signs indicating where to go. Walk along Rue Victor Hugo and you will suddenly see the towering walls of the Angouleme castle.