Cheap but exceptional street food in Paris

Is Paris only about Michelin star restaurants and luxurious dessert shops? NO! There are also many cheap but remarkable street food stalls. To keep your wallet tight, come and check them out!

Falafel is a fried bean ball from the Middle East. This Falafel restaurant is a popular spot in Paris, with many people coming for their wraps: Falafel can be paired with vegetables such as cucumber, tomato, onion, etc., and sauces such as hot sauce and yogurt sauce can be consulted.
Arepa is a corn cake originally from Colombia. These small cakes are soft and delicious, and can be filled with various ingredients such as stewed beef, beans, avocado, as well as cheese and vegetable for vegetarian filling.
In Paris, you can try a super tempting grilled cheese sandwich that has an exceptional texture and flavor. The recommended shop offers a variety of cheese sandwiches that will surely satisfy any cheese lover.


In Paris, a food market is held on a Thursday of every month, where you can find street food from around the globe, with prices mostly under 10 euros. The market is located between the Couronnes and Ménilmontant metro stations.