Château Royal de Blois, A Royal Tapestry of Architectural Styles

6 Place du Château 41000 Blois, France
The light show of Château de Blois is very famous


The Château de Blois is located in the center of Blois city and showcases the history and art of the Loire Valley castles. The castle has hosted 7 kings and 10 queens, illustrating the court life and royal authority during the French Renaissance. The exquisite furniture and colorful interior decorations within the castle tell us stories of its former splendor. The Château de Blois consists of four wings, presenting architectural styles from different periods and different styles. From Gothic to Renaissance, and then to neoclassical style, the castle surrounds a courtyard with various styles. Climbing the tower of the castle, one can overlook the black tiles and red bricks of the old town of Blois. In addition, there is an art gallery within the castle, housing paintings and sculptures from the 14th to 16th centuries. Although not as famous as Château de Chambord, this royal castle has its unique beauty. Here, it seems like one can understand the preamble of exploring the Loire Valley.
6 Place du Château 41000 Blois, France
Opening hours
January 2 to March 31, 10:15-17:00

April 1 to June 30, 9:15-18:30

July 1 to August 31, 9:15-19:00

September 1 to November 5, 9:15-18:00

November 6 to December 31, 10:15-17:00

Ticket sales close half an hour before closing
closed on January 1 and December 25.