St-Emilion Day Tour, Immerse in the Charm of a Wine Lover's Paradise

St Emilion
In the beautiful town


St-Emilion is a famous wine region and UNESCO World Heritage site located east of Bordeaux. You can drive there (about 45 minutes) or take transportation from Bordeaux's Saint-Jean train station (about 40 minutes), and then it's a 20-minute walk to the town center. This medieval town is charming and picturesque, with many churches worth visiting. Additionally, the Maison du Vin in town provides a free exhibition showcasing the wine-making process. The main activity in St-Emilion is, of course, visiting the wineries. There are many wineries open to the public for wine tasting. You can obtain a winery map and contact information from the tourist information center. Some wineries charge a fee, while others do not, but advance booking is generally required. You can also choose to participate in guided tours organized by the tourist information center.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going


There is a parking lot
Park by the roadside
St Emilion
Drive. Wineries are often located in rural areas, so walking may be too far.