A must-visit stunning mountain city: Journey to Mount Saint Michel

This is a mysterious and rugged rock hill, located on the coastline of Normandy, France. On this hill stands an ancient monastery and a huge golden church that shines brightly, resembling a castle in a storybook when viewed from afar. This place has a long history, and it is said that strange and mysterious events have occurred here, which makes people even more longing for this place. Next, let us embark on a journey to Mont Saint-Michel together, and explore this awe-inspiring place.

The Gabriel Tower

La Tour Gabriel is an iconic building located next to the port in the Old Port district of Montreal. This six-story building has spacious floors, featuring a typical late 18th-century style with elegant architectural design and a rich historical atmosphere. Inside the building, there are luxurious restaurants and bars that offer a variety of food and drinks, making it an ideal place to spend a leisurely afternoon while enjoying the beautiful ocean views.

Mont Saint-Michel Abbey

In the 8th century AD, Bishop Aubert built a small chapel castle at the highest point of Mount Saint Michel and named it after the archangel Michael, creating a pilgrimage center. Today, the Mount Saint Michel Abbey is one of the must-see attractions in the Normandy region and has been listed as a "World Heritage Site" due to its rich cultural and natural heritage. Over the years and with the arrival of numerous pilgrims, the abbey has undergone multiple expansions and renovations, ultimately resulting in its current architectural style, which employs three different styles: Romanesque, Gothic, and Flamboyant Gothic. Meanwhile, the golden archangel at the top shines brilliantly in the sunlight.


Saint-Malo is a beautiful seaside city facing the Atlantic Ocean located in the Brittany region of France. It is a city with significant historical and rich maritime cultural significance and a must-visit spot for exploring Brittany. The city preserves many historical landmarks from the medieval period, including Mont Saint-Michel and the Castle of Donnay. Visitors can enjoy various seawater activities such as sunbathing, swimming, surfing, and sailing. Additionally, Saint-Malo's ports offer seafood delicacies and thrilling fishing activities.

Lanshan Bay

The Bay of La Manche is located in the Seine-Maritime department of the Normandy region in France and is one of the largest bays in Europe. Its unique shape forms a wide concave bay with steep cliffs on both sides and a vast tidal lagoon and estuary in the middle. The natural scenery is beautiful, with spectacular coastlines and beautiful beaches. Many people come here to swim, surf, or hike along the coast to enjoy the beautiful scenery and fresh sea air. At the same time, the Bay of La Manche region also has many culinary and cultural heritage worth exploring~