Musée Guimet, A treasure trove of Asian artistic splendor

6 Place d'Iéna, 75116 Paris
The place in Europe with the largest collection of Chinese treasures


The Jimei Museum is home to a rich collection of valuable Asian artworks, particularly Chinese art. It is renowned as one of the largest Asian art collections outside of Asia. The museum showcases a wide range of ceramics, from ancient primitive pottery to Ming and Qing dynasty blue and white and polychrome porcelain, as well as masterpieces from various dynasties. The first floor features a collection of Khmer civilization artifacts from Angkor Wat, while the second floor exhibits Tibetan Buddhist art. The third floor houses exquisite paintings and calligraphy, although the quantity is limited, each piece is a masterpiece. In addition, the third and fourth floors showcase precious Chinese Ming and Qing porcelain, jade, and other art treasures, making it a must-visit for collectors.
6 Place d'Iéna, 75116 Paris
Opening hours
Open daily from 10:00 to 18:00 (closed on Tuesdays)
ticket sales end at 17:15
closed on May 1, December 25, and January 1.
Line 9 of the subway to Lena station.