Place du Tertre, A Haven for Artists and Live Portraits

Place du Tertre 75018 Paris, France
Restaurants gather around the small hill square at night


Montmartre Square is located on the west side of Sacré-Cœur Basilica and used to be the center of the ancient village of Montmartre. Although the square itself doesn't have any famous landmarks and is just an ordinary rural square, it has attracted many renowned artists, such as the Spanish painter Salvador Dalí and Pablo Picasso. Since the 18th century, this artistic square has been a gathering place for plein air painters. Throughout the year, as long as the weather is good, the square is filled with various painters and tourists, creating a bustling market-like scene. There is also the Dalí Museum (ESPACE DALI) near the square, which exhibits his works.
Place du Tertre 75018 Paris, France
Facing the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur, move to the left side and at the intersection take a left onto the souvenir street, then take another left at the end of the street. The Painter's Square is located near the front on the right-hand side.