Pushkin city, A Royal Retreat of Opulent Splendor

Located 24 kilometers south of St. Petersburg
A place worth visiting


Pushkin City (Tsarskoye Selo), located in the south of St. Petersburg, has been the property of Catherine I, the wife of Peter the Great, since 1710. After 1725, it became one of the largest palaces of the tsars, and in 1728 it was named "Tsarskoye Selo". In 1756, Catherine Palace, with its Baroque style, was completed. Later, the Alexander Palace, the Music Hall, and the Amber Room were also built, all of which are very charming and splendid. In 1937, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Pushkin's death, Pushkin City was renamed Pushkin. Now, every first Sunday of June, Pushkin holds grand celebrations to commemorate the birthday of this great Russian writer.
Located 24 kilometers south of St. Petersburg