Festung Ehrenbreitstein, Majestic Fortress Overlooking the Rhine

Ehrenbreitstein Fortress, 56077 Koblenz, Germany
The best choice for viewing the German Corner is on the fortress


Eltz Castle, also known as Burg Eltz, is located in the Rhineland of Germany, standing at a height of 118 meters above the River Rhine. Around the year 1000, a small castle was built here, which was later converted into a fortress by the Elector of Trier after several centuries. Despite being repeatedly damaged by the French over the years, the Prussian Kingdom worked tirelessly to restore it. Since 1815, the castle became one of the most powerful fortresses built in Europe and remains well preserved till this day.
Ehrenbreitstein Fortress, 56077 Koblenz, Germany
Opening hours