A thousand-year architectural journey

Germany's architectural history is regarded as a microcosm of European architectural history. Even though some buildings have suffered damage, German meticulous restoration work has recreated them with spectacular appearances, becoming indispensable entities in architectural history. Stopping to appreciate the buildings is like pausing at a scenic spot, easily bringing us a sense of delight. Among numerous aesthetics, architectural aesthetics have a direct visual impact, with each style having its own characteristics, distinguishing itself in architectural history. Now, let us explore the wonders of different buildings together!

Speyer Cathedral

The Speyer Cathedral is still the most magnificent surviving ancient Romanesque cathedral in the world. Its grand three-aisled vaulted structure showcases perfect architectural design and had a significant influence on the development of Romanesque architecture in the 11th and 12th centuries. The well-preserved underground crypt, with its symmetrical tower structure, exemplifies the intricate and supportive architectural composition found in many other important cathedral buildings. It is a must-visit historic site for tourists, demonstrating the essence of the spirit of the time.

Cologne Cathedral

A famous Gothic cathedral, with its 157-meter-high spire being one of the tallest ancient church buildings in Europe, is a landmark of the Cologne city skyline. The magnificent interior decoration and architectural structure of Cologne Cathedral, as well as its collection of precious artifacts and artworks such as many Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque paintings, ancient church treasures, etc. It is worth mentioning that Cologne Cathedral also houses an item which is said to be the robe worn by Jesus during his crucifixion. Due to its unique architectural style and valuable collections, Cologne Cathedral attracts thousands of visitors every year to admire its magnificent grandeur and historical charm.

Zwinger Palace

Zwinger Palace is a world-famous Baroque style building built in 1709, representing the dominant architecture of the Augustus era. The decoration of this building is filled with unparalleled works created by sculptors, and it is still one of the most important attractions in Dresden. The Armory, Porcelain Collection, and Semper Gallery inside the building are equally charming, with the Porcelain Collection being one of the museums with the largest collection of ceramics in the world. Whether you are an art lover or a tourist who loves history and culture, Zwinger Palace is a must-visit attraction.

Sanssouci Palace

Sanssouci Palace, built in 1744, was constructed by Frederick the Great after he ordered the cultivation of grapes on the "Desert Mountain" in Potsdam, Germany. The "little house" has a magnificent exterior and luxurious interior decorations, symbolizing the opulent Rococo style. The gardens of Sanssouci Palace are a vacation paradise for visitors, with many beautiful attractions such as fountains, pools, statues, pavilions, and towers for visitors to admire and appreciate. It is worth mentioning that, in the ever-changing seasons of the Sanssouci Palace gardens, each season presents a unique charm, immersing visitors in its beauty.

Berlin Cathedral

Berlin Cathedral is a huge church located in the northern part of Spree Island, and it is one of the largest churches in Berlin. Thousands of visitors come to visit this important tourist attraction every year. This magnificent cathedral features a design style from the Baroque and Italian Renaissance periods, showcasing its magnificent history and achievements. There are many places worth visiting inside the cathedral, including the unforgettable dome, baptistery, royal staircase, the Hohenzollern crypt with nearly a hundred coffins, as well as the cathedral museum and the dome gallery that offers panoramic views of Berlin.

New Museum

The Neue Museum, designed and built by Friedrich August Stüler in 1855, is a neoclassical architectural masterpiece. However, it was severely damaged during World War II, and to preserve the material and formal characteristics of the original building, modern elements were added by the architects. Therefore, visitors can see many remnants of the original architecture when visiting. The Neue Museum is considered a masterpiece of neoclassical architecture, with a grand colonnade consisting of 18 Greek Ionic columns and a central hall designed in imitation of the Roman Pantheon. Both the exterior and interior design resemble items found in a museum, impressing visitors with the magnificent architecture and historical value of the Neue Museum.