St.-Jakobs-Kirche, Relive the Last Supper with the Holy Blood

Klostergasse 15, 91541 Rothensburg, Germany
A small church in Rothenburg alley


The most important church in the city of Rottengburg is a Gothic building, built in the 14th century and widely regarded as the most important religious and cultural heritage in the area. The church houses the Holy Blood Altar, which depicts the scene of the Last Supper and is said to contain the blood of Christ. Therefore, it is a popular tourist attraction.
Klostergasse 15, 91541 Rothensburg, Germany
Opening hours
April to October: 9:00-17:15
January to March and November: 10:00-12:00, 14:00-16:00
December: 10:00-16:45. Guided tours are available every Saturday at 15:00.