Wilhelma Zoological Botanical Garden, A harmonious blend of flora and fauna

Wilhelmapl 13, 70376 Stuttgart, Germany
Both animals and plants are fantastic


Wilhelma Zoo and Botanical Garden is one of the most popular attractions in Stuttgart, showcasing over 1,000 species of animals and over 7,000 species of plants from around the world. It attracts more than 2 million visitors annually. The park was originally built as a summer residence by King Wilhelm I of Württemberg. In 1892, thermal springs were discovered here and King Wilhelm expanded the area. Thermal baths, greenhouses, and gardens were built next to the summer residence, with the overall design undertaken by architect Karl Ludwig von Zanth. The design drew inspiration from the Moorish style, inspired by the Alhambra in Granada, Spain, which was a typical example of Moorish architecture at that time. Additionally, many locals still refer to Wilhelma Zoo and Botanical Garden as the "Alhambra on the Neckar River."

Must-go rating



Bus transportation
Wilhelmapl 13, 70376 Stuttgart, Germany
Opening hours
Open daily from 8:15am to 4:00pm, sometimes extending to 6:00pm depending on the month. Travelers can stay until the latest 8:00pm and must leave before that time.
Subway arrival: Get off at Wilhelma station by taking U14 line.