Hauptkirche St. Michaelis, Breathtaking Views from the Tower's Summit

English Planke 1, 20459 Hamburg, Germany
The view from the top of the church tower is very beautiful


St. Michael's Church is one of Hamburg's iconic landmarks, standing at 132 meters tall. Completed in the mid-18th century, it showcases a Baroque architectural style. The church, named after Archangel Michael, is the only building in Hamburg with a pointed Baroque spire. Having undergone multiple destructions and reconstructions, the current church is the third iteration. The first church was built between 1647 and 1669 but was struck by lightning and destroyed in 1750. The second church was completed in 1786. In the 20th century, the church underwent two more reconstructions. The interior of the church is exquisitely decorated and holds great artistic value. Visitors can take an elevator to reach the tower's top and enjoy panoramic views of Hamburg and the Alster River. The church has become one of Hamburg's most famous tourist attractions and an important local landmark.

Must-go rating

Worth going


Translation: Others
English Planke 1, 20459 Hamburg, Germany
Opening hours
April to September, Monday to Saturday from 9:00am to 5:30pm, Sunday from 11:00am to 5:30pm
October to March of the following year, Monday to Saturday from 9:00am to 5:00pm, Sunday from 11:30am to 5:00pm
visits are not allowed during religious or special events.
Subway: Take S1/3 to Stadthausbrücke station; U3 to Rödingsmarkt or St. Pauli station.