Speicherstadt, A timeless journey through historic trade hubs

HafenCity, Hamburg
"A must-visit place in Hamburg"


The Warehouse District of Hamburg is a symbol of the Free Port of Hamburg and the German Empire. It was built in the late 19th century and covers an area of 300,000 square meters. It is one of the largest and oldest warehouse complexes in the world. It has made important contributions to modern shipping and trade, and is also popular among tourists for its beautiful scenery. Within the Warehouse District, there are also several museums, such as the Customs Museum and the Spice Museum, and the Miniatur Wunderland, which showcases the world's largest model train. The North German architectural style of the Warehouse District is unique and captures the atmosphere of the past. The aroma of cocoa, coffee, and tea can still be smelled in the air, evoking a sense of history and charm.
HafenCity, Hamburg
Take U3 to Baumwall station, walk back over a metal bridge; or U1 to Meßberg station and walk forward.