Philosophenweg, A tranquil path for thought and panoramic views

Philosophenweg, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Strolling on such a path


Philosopher's Walk is located on the southern slope of the Holy Mountain (Heiligenberg), north of the Neckar River in Heidelberg. It is about two kilometers long and is a perfect pathway for walking and meditation. Throughout history, this path has been favored by professors, scholars, and philosophers because of its peaceful and inspiring atmosphere. Today, Philosopher's Walk remains an ideal spot for enjoying the view of the old town of Heidelberg. Along the way, you can find monuments dedicated to famous figures such as the poets Friedrich Hölderlin and Joseph von Eichendorff. The western section of the path is also home to the Physics Institute of Heidelberg University. Due to its southern exposure, Philosopher's Walk receives ample sunlight and is rich in flora and fauna. Additionally, if you prefer, you can hike to the mountaintop along the path and enjoy a broader view. Please note that there is only a seasonal kiosk along Philosopher's Walk, so it is advised to bring your own provisions as there are no food or beverage options available on the path.

Must-go rating



Philosophenweg, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
The Philosophers' Path is a pedestrian zone with two main entrances at both ends.