Kronborg Castle, Where Hamlet's tale lives and breathes

Kronborg 2C, Helsingør
This is the legendary Hamlet Castle


Kronborg Palace is one of the best-preserved Renaissance castles in Northern Europe, built between 1574 and 1585. It is rumored that Shakespeare's "Hamlet" was inspired by the geographical location and history of Kronborg Palace, so it is also known as "Hamlet's Palace". Every summer, there are performances of the play "Hamlet" here, which is truly memorable. Even without considering Shakespeare's inspiration, Kronborg Palace itself is a beautiful and grand building, surrounded by picturesque scenery. Located in the northern part of Copenhagen, Denmark, Kronborg Palace was originally a defensive structure and has now been converted into a museum, showcasing ancient furniture, decorations, and rich historical and cultural artifacts.

Must-go rating

Worth going


Kronborg 2C, Helsingør
Opening hours
January-March, November-December: Tuesday-Sunday 11:00-16:00

April, May, September, October: Daily 11:00-16:00
June-August: 10:00-17:30
Closed on December 24th, 25th, 31st and January 1st.
Take train line 1005 or train line ØR from the Central Train Station and get off at Helsingør station, then walk.