Tunghai University, A Campus Brimming with Architectural Marvels

No 1727, Section 4, Taiwan Boulevard, Xitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 407
Beautiful university campus


East Sea University is one of the iconic buildings in Taichung City, with a traditional campus atmosphere. Although universities in Taiwan are typically not large, East Sea University is unique, with small hills, pathways, lakes, and large grass lawns. The campus planning takes into account the terrain, creating a harmonious and scenic environment, including the last forest in the Taichung city. One of the most famous landmarks on campus is the Luce Chapel, designed by Ieoh Ming Pei, featuring curved lines and a golden roof with glazed tiles. In the early days of the campus before the trees grew, the cross on top of the chapel could be seen from any angle of the campus. For many students and alumni of East Sea University, the chapel symbolizes their faith and spiritual foundation. The beautiful scenery of the university attracts many foreign visitors. In addition to enjoying the scenery, visitors to East Sea University should not miss trying the fresh milk and milk popsicles produced by the College of Agriculture, which are well-known local delicacies.
No 1727, Section 4, Taiwan Boulevard, Xitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 407
Opening hours
All day.

You can take the BRT Blue Line and get off at either Rongzong (A17) or East China University of Science and Technology Station. Then, you can walk through the underground passage to get to the gate of ECUST.