Chiufen (Jiufen Old Street), A nostalgic journey through a bustling mountain town

Jiufen, Ruifang District, New Taipei City
Both sides are specialty shops of local delicacies


Jiufen was once prosperous due to its abundant gold resources, but it gradually declined as the mines depleted. However, in 1990, the film "A City of Sadness" was shot here, attracting attention from both domestic and international tourists with its unique architecture, hillside views, and atmosphere, rejuvenating Jiufen as a popular tourist destination. In 2001, Jiufen's old street was also featured as a setting in Hayao Miyazaki's animated film "Spirited Away," further drawing many Japanese tourists to visit. The song "A Coffee Shop in Jiufen" by Chen Qizhen also added to the fame of this place. The nostalgic scenery of Jiufen's old street is mainly concentrated on three streets: Jiufen Old Street, Shufazi Road, and Qingshui Road. Shufazi Road connects Jiufen Elementary School and the Jiufen Police Station, serving as an important passageway for transporting goods. Today, Jiufen's old street has been replaced by cafés and tea houses, and the iconic 300+ stone steps have become a symbol of Jiufen. Jiufen Old Street's core area is on Jiufen Street, where many traditional buildings from the Japanese colonial period are preserved, including stalls selling taro and sweet potatoes, the first tea house in Jiufen, and the Jiufen History and Culture Workshop. From Jiufen Street, visitors can also enjoy a view of the sea. In addition to these three main roads, there are many alleys and lanes waiting for visitors to explore. No matter where tourists go, they may discover surprises.

Must-go rating

Must go
Worth going
Not worth it


Inconvenient to park
There is a parking lot
Free parking
Expensive parking fees
Cheap parking fees
Group travel
Jiufen, Ruifang District, New Taipei City
Take the Taiwan Railway train to Ruifang Station, then take the Keelung Bus across from the train station square to Jiufen Old Street.