Taipei Confucius Temple, A Sanctuary of Confucian Culture and Rituals

275 DaLong Street
Taipei Confucius Temple is a Confucian educational institution


Confucius Temple in Taipei City is located on Dalong Street in Taiwan. The temple was rebuilt in 1925 during the Japanese colonial period and completed in 1939. The main deity worshipped there is Confucius, making it the most important Confucian temple in Taipei and the location for the annual Confucius worship ceremony since 1931. On September 28th each year, Taipei Confucius Temple holds a large ceremony featuring various rituals such as welcoming the deity, offering incense, three offerings, reciting blessings, receiving blessings and offerings, burning sacrifices, and bidding farewell to the deity. During this process, you can see the ritual attendants wearing dark purple robes, standing alongside the main officiants, creating an atmosphere of reverence.
275 DaLong Street