Mrigadayavan Palace, A Romantic Palace by the Sea

1281 Phet Kasem Street, Cha am Sub-district, Cha am District, Phetchaburi Province 76120, Thailand
This is the location of the royal summer palace


King Rama VI of Thailand, who had received a Western education, was a monarch devoted to promoting modernization in Thailand. During his reign, Thailand began using the Gregorian calendar, implemented compulsory primary education, and introduced a surname system. The Maruekatayawan Palace, built by him in 1923, is a romantic and sentimental architectural masterpiece dedicated to his third queen, symbolizing their love and hope. This summer palace is constructed with top-quality materials, featuring a well-designed and airy structure, with each pillar connected to a water storage space and teakwood verandas. The Maruekatayawan Palace has now been transformed into a museum, showcasing the history and artifacts of the Thai royal family, attracting numerous tourists. To protect the building, visitor numbers are controlled, and visitors are required to remove their shoes before entering. Currently, the current queen has also ordered the protection of the mangrove forest in the area, further promoting environmental awareness.

Must-go rating

Worth going


Free parking
1281 Phet Kasem Street, Cha am Sub-district, Cha am District, Phetchaburi Province 76120, Thailand
Opening hours
8:30-16:30, closed on Wednesdays.
There is no public bus from the Huahin city center to the destination. A TUTU ride costs 250 baht for a one-way trip and 450 baht for a round trip, taking about 30 minutes for a single trip.