Flåm Line, A breathtaking journey through steep scenic landscapes

Flåm Station, 5742 Flåm
The scenery along the way is very beautiful


The 20-kilometer railway from the Middalsfjellet mountain area at 865 meters above sea level to the depths of the Aurlandsfjorden, known as one of the most beautiful and steepest mountain railways in the world. Eighty percent of the route is built on slopes with a gradient of 55%, and it took 20 years to build, starting in 1923. It is one of Norway's greatest engineering marvels. On this railway, you can enjoy spectacular views of valleys, waterfalls, cliffs, and snowy mountains, making it one of the most unforgettable experiences of your fjord tour. When you reach the Flåm station, the railway museum next to it will provide you with valuable information about the history of the railway's construction.
Flåm Station, 5742 Flåm
Opening hours
Refer to https://www.visitflam.com/en/flamsbana/timetable/ or the NSB official website.