Unawatuna beach, A crescent bay of serenity and diving bliss

Galle Matara Rd, the beach is 1 kilometer away from the coast
The sand on the beach is very fine


Unawatuna is a popular tourist destination in the Galle area, renowned for its beautiful beaches and coral reefs. It is also a famous turtle hatchery site in Sri Lanka. Located 5 kilometers southeast of Galle, the area is surrounded by mountains and has a crescent-shaped bay with pristine white sandy beaches and tranquil seas, making it a paradise for swimming and diving enthusiasts. The coastal area is dotted with various buildings including guesthouses, bars, resorts, travel agencies, and small shops, creating a leisure destination that appeals to Western tourists. Unawatuna is also home to dive schools accredited by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI), attracting many visitors who come to learn diving. You can explore the coral reefs through diving or enjoy panoramic views of Galle from Rumassala while witnessing the graceful flight of seabirds.
Galle Matara Rd, the beach is 1 kilometer away from the coast
Opening hours
From dawn till dusk.
Take the car towards Matera from Gallipoli, get off at the Unawatuna station, and it's a 15-minute walk. The journey takes about 30 minutes.