Galle Fort, A timeless fortress, embracing colonial charm and resilience

Galle 80000 Sri Lanka
Wandering along the city walls left around the castle


Galle Fort is an ancient city dating back to the 16th century. Originally built during the Portuguese colonial period, it was later renovated and expanded by the Dutch colonizers. Starting from the 18th century, the fort gradually developed into an impregnable fortress. Today, this ancient city is known for its old city walls and serves as a prominent architectural landmark, bearing witness to the rise and fall of the colonial era. The fort not only played a crucial role in military defense and maritime signaling in the 16th century but also remained intact during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, serving as a guardian of the city. Thanks to its sturdy construction, the entire old city was spared from the tsunami, and visitors can still explore this well-preserved UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Galle 80000 Sri Lanka
Opening hours
24 hours