Kandy Lake, A serene escape amidst nature's harmony

Kandy Lake, Sri Lanka
Lush vegetation surrounds Kandy Lake


Kandy Lake is an ancient lake in the center of Kandy, Sri Lanka. It was constructed in 1807 under the supervision of the last king, Sri Vikrama Rajasinha. Though the lake has been shrinking over the years, there is still a small island in the center covered with palm trees and shrubs, believed to be the bathing place of the king and queen. The lake is surrounded by various trees and is now a protected area where fishing is strictly prohibited, allowing the fish to thrive and be unafraid of humans. It is also a habitat for various bird species such as cormorants, egrets, and pelicans. If the weather is clear, the chanting of the monks from the Temple of the Tooth can be heard echoing over the orange-hued lake in the evening, creating a magical experience. The best times to capture the lake's beauty are early morning and evening.
Kandy Lake, Sri Lanka