Xingsheng Temple, A Tranquil Sanctuary Amidst Autumnal Hues

Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, Uji, Yamada 27-1 in Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Horikawa-cho Terano-uchi-jo 2
A temple that I really like


Kōshōji Temple is located in Kyoto, Japan. It belongs to the Rinzai sect of Buddhism, with the mountain name "Entsu-san." The temple's main deity is Shakyamuni Buddha and its first abbot was Kyoōin'en. It was once granted imperial patronage by Emperor Yōzei and Emperor Go-Mizunoo, and known as a temple of imperial patronage. It is also associated with tea masters like Furuta Oribe and is commonly referred to as "Oribe-ji." After visiting Kōshōji Temple, you can explore two shops near the approach to Byodoin Temple. One is Ito Kyūemon, famous for its tea, and the other is Nakamura Tokichi - Byodoin Store.
Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, Uji, Yamada 27-1 in Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Horikawa-cho Terano-uchi-jo 2
Opening hours
Open all day for visitors.