Mimurotoji, A Serene Sanctuary Amidst Seasonal Blooms

21 Shigahaya, Uji, Kyoto Prefecture 611-0013
Brilliant autumn colors


Three-Shrine Temple, founded by Chinese monk Yinyuan, preserves Chinese architectural style and rituals. Here, you can admire the beauty of purple hydrangeas. The Three-Shrine Temple on Mount Meisshin was established by Emperor Kōnin in the late 8th century and is famous for the construction of the Sanmi-dō by three emperors and retired Emperor Shirakawa. In 1460, a fire destroyed the temple, but it was later rebuilt and restored. Due to the confiscation of leadership, the temple gradually declined. The current buildings were reconstructed in the early 19th century. The main deity at the Three-Shrine Temple is a golden bronze statue of Thousand-Armed Kannon supposedly manifested by a deity from behind the mountain. The temple also houses a treasure hall containing five wooden statues of Amida Nyorai from the Fujiwara period, which is a national important cultural property of Japan. It is only open to the public for one day on the 17th of each month. The temple grounds cover a total area of 5,000 tsubo and feature both dry landscape gardens and ponds. The lotus pond in particular adds an elegant touch to the ancient temple. In May, 20,000 azalea flowers bloom, while in June, 10,000 purple hydrangeas take center stage. In July, over 100 species of lotus flowers bloom, creating a dazzling display. The autumn leaves in fall are also incredibly beautiful and unforgettable.
21 Shigahaya, Uji, Kyoto Prefecture 611-0013
Opening hours
From April 1st to October 31st, open from 8:30am to 4:30pm
from November 1st to March 31st, open from 8:30am to 4:00pm.
Get off at Sanjō Station of Keihan Electric Railway, and walk east for 15 minutes.