Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum, A Solemn Tribute to Peace and Reflection

7-8 Hirano-cho, Nagasaki-shi
The Ideal Place to Reject War


A museum commemorating the 50th anniversary of the atomic bomb explosion was opened to the public in April 1996. The museum displays the devastating aftermath of the atomic bomb explosion and presents the history of human weapon development and the impact of the atomic bomb on this history.
7-8 Hirano-cho, Nagasaki-shi
Opening hours
September to April of the following year: 8:30-17:30 (last entry at 17:00)

May to August: 8:30-18:30 (last entry at 18:00), and August 7th to 9th: 8:30-20:00 (last entry at 19:30).
Closed: December 29th to December 31st.