Kohfukuji, A timeless sanctuary of towering pagodas and serene beauty

48 Tōdaijichō, Nara-shi, Nara-ken 630-8213, Japan
The two pagodas are the iconic buildings of the temple


Todai-ji Temple is a famous Buddhist temple located in Nara, Japan. It was built in the 8th century and is known for its Great Buddha Hall, which houses the largest bronze statue of Buddha in Japan. The temple is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site and attracts many visitors from around the world. The Great Buddha Hall was reconstructed in the 17th century, and it is an impressive architectural feat. Inside the hall, visitors can see the massive Buddha statue, as well as other important Buddhist sculptures and artifacts. The temple complex also includes other buildings and gardens that are worth exploring.
48 Tōdaijichō, Nara-shi, Nara-ken 630-8213, Japan
Opening hours
Open year-round, from 9:00 to 17:00 daily.
Walk east for about 20 minutes from JR Nara Station.