Japan Mint, A Week of Cherry Blossom Splendor

1-1-79 Tenma, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi. Take the Keihan Main Line to Tenmabashi Station and walk for about 10 minutes
Cherry blossom season is particularly open


Not everyone knows that the headquarters of the Mint are located in Osaka, and there is a Mint Museum nearby. Inside the Mint, visitors can see the famous attraction, a route called "Cherry Blossom Path" (桜の通り抜け). During the mid-April cherry blossom season, the path is open to visitors for free for one week, receiving about one million people each day. The path is 560 meters long, planted with about 125 species and a total of 370 cherry blossom trees, creating a unique and charming atmosphere.
1-1-79 Tenma, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi. Take the Keihan Main Line to Tenmabashi Station and walk for about 10 minutes